Prof. Jesús Cruz Villalón (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)

Director of the Labour Law and Social Security Department Seville University. President of the Labour Law and Social Security Spanish Association. Director of the Labour Affairs Industrial Relations and Social Welfare Andalusia Review. Expert Advisor of the Economic and Social Council of Spain (2005-2009; 2011-2013). Expert Advisor of the Andalusia Council of Labour Relations. Referee of the Interconfederal Mediation and Arbitration Service SIMA and the Extrajudicial Collective Labour Disputes Resolution SERCLA.
Member of: Group of the Ministry of Justice responsible for wording the provisions of the Labour Procedure Law (1990), Experts Committee on the Reform of Title II of the Workers’ Statute (1994), Experts Committee on Social Dialogue (2005), Experts Committee of the report “A Statute for the Promotion and the Tuition of Self-Employed Workers” (2005) and Experts Committee appointed by the Autonomous Government of Andalusia to write the White Book on Employment Quality (2005).
Publisher of the report: “More and Better Employment in a New Socioeconomic Framework: For Effective Labour Safety and Flexible Work Arrangements”.
He holds the San Raimundo of Peñafort Cross of Honour.
Dean of the Law Faculty of the University of Cadiz (1998-2002).
University evaluator of academic research projects and university degrees within the national evaluating commission (ANECA), national agency of research projects (ANEP) and the Italian Ministry of Research and Universities (MIUR).
Technical assistant to diverse Central and South American (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Panamá) in the framework of the project Eurosocial of the European Union organized within the Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas (FIIAPP).